Robi Amazing Offers in the Ghechang Store!

Robi Ghechang Store is a virtual campaign store for all Robi customers, through which Robi customers can enjoy special offers and campaigns; customized and tailored to their needs and preferences. This is the first-of-its-kind virtual offer store in Bangladesh. Customers can find all their recharge bundles, VAS, data and other offers in this store.

Robi Amazing Offers in the Ghechang Store!

1. Service Details:
a. Subscriber will be able to know the latest offer for them.
b. Subscribers have to dial *999# to know their offers.
c. Customers can browse the USSD menu to see all their offers.
d. Offers and campaigns will change on a regular basis.
2. How to access your Ghechang Store:
Dial *999# to know all your offers
3. Service charges:
This service is completely FREE for all Robi customers.
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